
Defend African People's Right to Resist!
March, Candlelight Vigil and Rally for Lovelle Mixon and Family
Wednesday, March 25th, 6 to 8pm
Gather at Uhuru House, 7911 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
6:30 March to Eastmont Town Center
Rally & Return to the Uhuru House
Contact: 510-569-9620, oakland@inpdum.org
Stop the Genocidal War on the African Community Now!
Economic and Social Justice for the African Community!
March, Candlelight Vigil and Rally for Lovelle Mixon and Family
Wednesday, March 25th, 6 to 8pm
Gather at Uhuru House, 7911 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
6:30 March to Eastmont Town Center
Rally & Return to the Uhuru House
Contact: 510-569-9620, oakland@inpdum.org
Stop the Genocidal War on the African Community Now!
Economic and Social Justice for the African Community!
Statement from the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement
The International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement calls on all progressive-minded people to stand against the brutal, long-standing, publicly-supported policies of police containment that keep the African community under the grip of a colonial occupation for which the Oakland Police Department is the front line of assault.
We call for support for the African community demands for genuine economic development and social justice for the African community.
The deaths of four members of the OPD on March 21, 2009, were the result of these relentless policies, which are manifested daily in the cold-blooded police murders, brutality and harassment of African men and women, youth and elderly by the heavily armed, military style Oakland police force;
In draconian laws such as Three Strikes that discriminatorily lock up tens of thousands of African people for life in the multi-billion dollar California prison industry;
In the hostile, substandard education system that profiles African male children as young as six years old as criminals and “super-predators,” and feeds the shameful juvenile prison industry that violates every principle of international law;
In the highly-documented government-imposed illegal drug trade which is often the only last-ditch source of employment in a community whose own economic infrastructure has been destroyed by “urban renewal” and gentrification;
In the specific targeting of African homeowners for predatory subprime mortgages, thousands of which are now in foreclosure;
In the cruel foster care system that turns African babies and children, victimized by this system, into profitable commodities for the lucrative white foster-care industry.
It was the historic brutality of the Oakland Police Department that gave rise to the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in the 1960s.
We recognize that African communities of Oakland and throughout the US are locked down under a deadly colonial occupation no different than the conditions imposed on the Iraqi and Afghani people under the US military occupation and the near genocidal colonial assault on the Palestinian people by the illegitimate state of Israel.
We believe that all oppressed and colonized peoples have a right to struggle for liberation and to resist, as Malcolm X said, by any means necessary.
Just like the resistance of Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser, enslaved Africans once vilified and today considered heroes, African people in Oakland have a right to struggle against this government-imposed terror. This is exactly what our brother Lovelle Mixon did.
We believe the actions brother Lovelle Mixon took were in fact a direct response to a system that upholds itself and protects itself through the imposition of a police state within the African community to enforce systematic harassment, torture, death and destruction on the African community, so that it can continue to thrive.
Africans have come to the conclusion that if you do not resist oppression from the police, you will end up unjustly murdered by them, all criminal charges will be dropped against them, hence injustice within the system perpetuates itself while Africans continue to die.
Knowing the history of how the police treat Africans, Lovelle Mixon felt he had to defend himself in the face of the oppressive police state. And he did so, honorably. Like the missiles launched from Gaza and the Iraqi resistance forces, African people will rightfully fight to free themselves against oppression in every form.
We call on the citizens of Oakland to unite with the demands raised by the Uhuru Movement for genuine economic development to the African working class community, for reparations for the families of victims of police violence, for a community controlled police review board with subpoena powers and for an immediate end to these failed public policies of police containment which have brought so much suffering to the African community for so long.
We call on Oakland citizens to join us in rejecting the knee-jerk criminalization of the oppressed African community by the city and state governments, and in recognizing that in order to go forward as a city we must unite in the quest for economic and social justice for the African community.
The International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement is an organization led by the African working class to defend the democratic rights of the African community.
I have deleted 16 comments not because I don't want to have a dialogue with people seriously challenged by the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement's (an African working class led organization) position on the actions of the OPD and Lavelle Mixon, but because every single one of the comments resorted to name calling, personal attacks, slander and in no way attempted to understand the serious situation at hand in Oakland, the U.S. or the world during this political and economic crisis. Please do submit questions, concerns, differences, etc. but do so in a way that encourages serious dialogue.
Thank you
Incredible --- you've removed all 15 comments. Don't tell me you were at all surprised with the expression of outrage at your glorification of Mixon. Are you at all embarrassed by the disenchantment of the Black community over your insulting defense of one of the community's least-defensible elements? Solution? -- delete the comments! Hypocritical white sons 0f bitches! Is denial a good coping mechanism for you?
and if you don't agree with Wendy that Mixon was a folk-hero representing the best of the community's reaction to the oppressive occupying forces, then you're obviously not interested in "serious dialogue". And if you've got nothing good to say about Uhuru (led by white folks), then don't say it, cuz she's just not interested. I'll wager that no comment but hers will remain posted, because I seriously doubt that anyone but her will post anything positive about her glorification of this wonderful exemplar of the Black community. Her reaction is not at all surprising . . .
you call what you're peddling here "serious" dialogue? how dare you even call it dialogue at all. i suppose we can continue the "discussion" at the pie table outside safeway next time i see you. it will be embarrassing for both of us, i promise.
You are having a rally to celebrate a man who raped (allegedly) a 12-year old? And you want to be taken seriously as a movement?
I tried opening a dialogue on the indybay site and had multiple comments deleted. There is no interest in dialogue, only hate speech. Yes, the OPD has issues. Yes, there are economics and social ills that need to be addressed. But there also needs to be a serious reality check and people need to embrace PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Don't hitch your dogmatic wagon to a murder/rapist. Stop blaming everyone else for the ills. And for god's sake, why did the "American" get dropped from African-American? We are all Americans - diverse yes, balkanized, no.
I am sensitive to the cause, but imho you are going in some very wrong directions. To link Mixon's name to real heros of the African-American movement is insulting to them and degrading to everyone who is sympathetic.
as a black woman and as a citizen of oakland, i really question your "movement" and this event in honor of mixon.
i find it condescending that your group is not comprised of black people, yet you are championing a so-called black cause. for what? do black people in oakland need YOU to speak for them?
i am black, and you don't speak for me. you don't represent my opinions or feelings about this tragedy.
one of the biggest problems with certain white people (not all white people) is that their "white guilt" is masked arrogance and presumptuousness.
if i am mistaken, correct me - but when i read about a "white solidarity" group that wants to defend black folks, i really have to inspect a bit more closely.
Wendy is apparently not a strong supporter of the First Amendment. This is exactly how dictatorships deal with dissension - through censorship.
and another thing:
i have a bone to pick with your group regarding this comment:
"Knowing the history of how the police treat Africans, Lovelle Mixon felt he had to defend himself in the face of the oppressive police state."
this is a flat out LIE.
you have no way of knowing what mixon's political leanings were. you have no idea of what his motivations were. you don't know what he was thinking or feeling.
you didn't know this man.
please at least be responsible with your communications and make a distinction between what actually HAPPENED and your OPINIONS about what happened.
he was not a black power activist...he's just some guy who shot some cops and was killed in the aftermath...it's sad sad sad, all the way around.
Wow. Comment Deleted 16 times. That just says it all doesn't it Wendy? I saw those comments before you deleted them and they were not all personal attacks and name calling, as you put it.
I find this entire post of yours, and the proposed rally beyond sad. It is stomach turning. A serial rapist is your poster boy? really? Of course, I am sure you are busy justifying that the rape charges are all fake attempts by "the oppressor" to sully the good name of this wonderful freedom fighter.
I'll leave you with this. I note from your blog that, sadly, you lost your brother, and that he was very close to you. Can you have any compassion - any at all - for the families of these four police officers who lost THEIR loved one solely because he went to work that day? Can you not understand how painful and hurtful this kind of thing is to THEM?
I see your picture, and I am genuinely disgusted at the sight of you.
I am one hundred percent convinced that Wendy is actually tearing down our people from the inside. Angry, angry white person.
Call this off, for the sake of pubic decency. Mixon raped a 12-year old girl. Call this off.
To be fair, toussaint - I am name calling. But I stand by the fact that Wendy is a angry white person who believes that African Americans cannot help themselves and only the great white hope can.
I don't like OPD either but that doesn't mean I want to see 4 men with families die.
I could; however. care less about a gun toting thug.
As a black man, I read this nonsense and I weep for our community. We are killing each other Wendy. Where is your outrage over that? Or do you just want to keep us in the ghetto killing each other, with not even a modicum of police presence to defend and support those of us who HAVE HAD ENOUGH of the violence. What is your true agenda?
How many young people will have to be murdered at the hands of other young people before you recognize THAT problem?
You are not in solidarity with me or with any other civilized African-American I know. And yes, I am an AMERICAN. How dare you drop that word?
This is a real gem too, Wendy. A real gem. You could not be any clearer in CELEBRATING, yes, celebrating the death of these 4 officers. What a sad, deluded person you are.
Knowing the history of how the police treat Africans, Lovelle Mixon felt he had to defend himself in the face of the oppressive police state. And he did so, honorably.
What is even better is the hypocrisy :
Wendy's own friends at indybay get all mad when their comments get deleted :
Local Newspaper Bans Comments from Mayoral Candidate
Censorship at Anarchist Book Fair
I read those comments. Mostly they just disagreed with your absolutely ludicrous support of a man who just killed 4 people and may have raped 6. Would you let this person in your home? It's funny, when the debate gets tough, the revolutionaries start censoring. So go ahead, censor this one. In the meantime, I am telling everyone I know to boycott everything Uhuru does or sells.
To you personally, I will say this: you are in a political cult. You are their mouthpiece but you do not seem capable of critical or independent thought about what this cult is teaching you. You certainly appear to follow their leaders unquestioningly. You have probably heard this before from other people. If so, please take them seriously. My suspicion is you deleted those comments because they represent reality, and you can't handle much reality right now. Maybe you should reconsider that stance.
Comment Deleted
(Saving you the trouble Wendy. What I am thinking about you is too horrible to write.)
I see it doesn't work to delete nasty and foul comments, they just come back with a vengeance.
Yvonne, I respect your skepticism about the Uhuru Movement. We are an organization of the Uhuru Movement, not leading it. There are plenty of ways to find that out if you would like to do further research. www.uhurunews.com and www.uhurumovement.org There are a number of sites to access. Omali Yeshitela is the leader and founder. He is African and comes from the tradition of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party and no not every black person embraces that perspective. I am white and I am embrace the worldview of the Uhuru Movement.
One thing I am wondering about: why are most of the commenters so believing in the media and the state's DNA lab results. How does this info just revealed definitive for you? What purpose does it serve but to separate Lovelle Mixon from the community, charging him with rape through some dubious lab results most like run by a lab that is right in their with the law enforcement community? Rarely are police officers convicted of killing black men. There is sentiment in the community that could understand Mixon's actions given the conditions he was living in and then, the next day he is a rapist! You shouldn't trust that but many of the commenters do.
As for losing my brother and a family's pain of losing a loved one. Nowhere have we stated that the pain of losing a loved one is not real, it is excruciating. I would hope that the widows, children and parents of the officers can begin to see that officers didn't have to die if it weren't for the public policy of police containment. And, what makes the officers' lives more valuable to you than the life of Jody Woodfox, Casper Banjo, Gary King Jr. or even the life of Derrick Mixon (Lovelle's cousin) or any of the others on the list - www.sfgate.com/maps/oaklandhomicides/
"One thing I am wondering about: why are most of the commenters so believing in the media and the state's DNA lab results."
Of course if the DNA results supported your point then you would say the exact opposite.
It is obviously too late to reason with you - you have fallen deep into paranoid delusion : if I don't like what I hear it is a conspiracy. There is not a single post in ANY of your blogs that shows any support. Either ALL of us are idiots or ....
Complete the sentence yourself.
Ok fine, here's you're question:
Why are you supporting a child rapist? Answer that. Don't give me the garbage about how society made him that way or how he's a slave to the system. Why are you supporting a man that hates his sisters so much that he would force himself of them. AND a child no less.
One thing I am wondering about: why are most of the commenters so believing in the media and the state's DNA lab results. How does this info just revealed definitive for you? What purpose does it serve but to separate Lovelle Mixon from the community, charging him with rape through some dubious lab results most like run by a lab that is right in their with the law enforcement community?….
You are an amazing apologist for this sociopath
You claim the lab results are dubious yet you don’t know anything about those test yourself - instead you simply and reflexively suggest that they’re made up
an objective person doesn’t immediately discard these reports but would consider them while looking for whatever is the truth
to discard it without even considering the possibility of there being truth behind it indicates that your ideology overrides your ability to objectively consider the possibility that this guy was a serial rapist
the 12 year old kid reportedly saw her assailant - if she confirms that it was him what will you say then?
And what of the rap sheet that this guy had which included car-jacking and robbery?
This guy was a victim – he was a victimizer of others
You’re treatment of him as someone that should be honored is shameful
But you’re likely to drunk on you ideology to have the insight to see that
Seriously you must be the dumbest person on earth. I can not honestly believe that you think that this mook was defnding himself from an oppressive police force. He was a fucking RAPIST. he was not on the street corner preaching education. He was a FUCKING RAPIST. Is your BBC fetish that sick that you want to glorify the life of a COP KILLER / RAPIST.
the 12 year old kid reportedly saw her assailant - if she confirms that it was him what will you say then?
I'm assuming she would say how OPD paid her to finger Mixon as her assailant. Hell she may even say there was actually no rape at all and it was all fabricated to make Mixon look bad.
Wendy is going to be on Al Jazeera promoting Al Qaeda within 5 years.
Weak minded white chicks always seem to get suckered into crap like this.
Must be the BBC - wish I had me one of those.
Wendy, since you are in a political cult based on a vast conspiracy theory, there is no evidence that would ever convince you. That would require critical thinking. Do you realize that you have been indoctrinated to believe anything your cult tells you, and disbelieve anything that contradicts it? Everything that contradicts it is part of the conspiracy - DNA evidence, whatever. Admit it, there is absolutely no evidence you would accept if it showed Mixon was guilty. Right? It sure is a great defense mechanism. But it means you will never, ever, ever be able to think clearly or logically about anything. That's quite a sacrifice to make for a group that is exploiting you, and this tragedy.
"I'm assuming she would say how OPD paid her to finger Mixon as her assailant. Hell she may even say there was actually no rape at all and it was all fabricated to make Mixon look bad."
just read that the sketch made at the time of the investigation of the rape of the kid strongly resembles Mixon
I'm sure you'll say that's just another stub in the conspiracty made up after Saturday
you just can't handle the truth
how sad
"censorship = utopia said...
Wendy, since you are in a political cult based on a vast conspiracy theory, there is no evidence that would ever convince you. That would require critical thinking. Do you realize that you have been indoctrinated to believe anything your cult tells you, and disbelieve anything that contradicts it? Everything that contradicts it is part of the conspiracy - DNA evidence, whatever. Admit it, there is absolutely no evidence you would accept if it showed Mixon was guilty."
that's is exactly it
thanks for writing that!!!!
Toussaint said :
"Excuse me, you exophthalmic little horror of a woman, you really going to have the NERVE, the brass-ass NERVE to maintain that their deaths were caused by a "public policy of police containment" !!! It does no good to explain to you that these deaths were caused by an irredeemable sociopath. You are a dangerous little bitch (go ahead, delete me) and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for even CONTEMPLATING a march in support of Mixon. I hope you can see that you haven't one ounce of support for your insidious notions which, per your agenda, will serve only to tear down the community. Get the FUCK out of Oakland, bitch!"
Well put - that is some classy name calling.
What is driving these people crazy is now Obama's in the White House so they are running out of arguments against personal responsibility.
Is this a joke? I mean, is the Klan behind this or something?
It seems to be made up to piss off white people and encourage further division and 'cleaning up the streets' in some Eliot Ness way.
what do you have to say about the reports that Mixon had tatoos that included an AK-47 and a depiction of somebody shooting another in the back of the head?
any evidence of malice aforethought with that?
wait - Mixon must have been tatooed with those after his death, right?
You pathetic uneducated pile of garbage. You're another pro-life live-and-let-live deluded fool.
People go bad. Through genetics, through upbringing, through "mental illness", through religion, whatever you want to call it, whatever you want to blame it on. It happens. Welcome to human life. Yeah, it's sad. You have to lock them up or kill them, there's nothing else to say about it. "Death" happens at every level of existence in this universe.
But blaming white people for Mixon's actions is pathetic, at best. African's people right to resist? Resist what?
Black people have the same f'in chance as everybody around here. When I see black people move to this University town from their bigger cities and continue to act like dirt bag thugs, that is their own doing. There are plenty of clean cut people here for them to learn from, yet they don't. They keep walkin' around with their pants hanging off their ankles looking for trouble.
Black people just want to continue "doing their thing". Hanging out in big groups living a drama filled life, creating fairy tales that all white people are trying to keep them down. In fact, we aren't. We are tired of this f'd up culture blacks adhere to. Living and traveling in packs like animals, slaves to group think.
Do I complain about asians in this town? No. Almost every asian I see here is an outstanding citizen. Good for them.
The past is the past. You know how all these nutjob Islamic fools keep sitting around fighting with people because of wars that happened hundreds of years ago? This is the same BS you are spewing. Is anybody even still alive that saw the days of slavery? I mean, f'k. Here you are with your black friends with the same mentality.
Guess what. All black people have to do is STOP; think for two seconds, be good citizens, and things can change really fast. Why is that so hard?
Mixon was a piece of trash. Who knows why. Parents? Genetics? Crappy teachers? Throw them all in jail for all I care. But history has shown that people who suffer during childhood can still grow up to be outstanding citizens. Mixon made the choice not to. Sad? Yeah, it is, from the standpoint that another member of our species went down. But holding a vigil for every criminal piece of scum out there is wrong. Black people blaming their condition on white people is wrong. You are wrong.
two words: personal responsibility
You should ponder that some time. And I mean really think about it. But you won't. You comments here speak volumes about the blinders your wear. Seriously. I understand your "side" as well as the other. You however see only what you want to see. But you aren't "helping" anyone - you are in fact part of the problem. Your attitudes and blindness are easily as problematic as the society and occupying police force you rail against.
If you truly believe in "serious dialog", why do you go to the Oakland City Council on occasion and yell until you're ejected from the room?
Wendy, your support for this guy and other such gangsters is just another example of the zero sum game mentality typical of so many Jews. That along with your innate hostility toward all European peoples and cultures is why you promote such barbarism. That Mixon would kill four white police officers is okay by you, just because they were white. Your thinking can be surmised as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The question is why are we your enemies?
Stop smashing on Wendy... probably she is expressing what someone else told her to say, someone who didn't want to catch flak.
Wendy is either a hapless troll or a diabolical genius. If I wanted to ensure the National Guard come in and crack skulls this is exactly how I would do it.
Why does Israel reject asylum-seekers from Africa?? those fleeing hardship?
Israel rejects and deports the Africans.
Even Ethiopian Jews routinely face hate and bigotry from Israeli citizens.
Let's speak out!
If you're a woman, you are a disgrace to our gender.
It blows my mind that you belive the drivel you have written - as far as deleting the posts, it is your blog, delete away. But it goes to show what sort of journalist you are, besides a poor one. When one choses the path to drug dealing, rape, assault and overall violence - one choses the consequences as well. Behavior is a choice - the scumbag shooter made his choice - there is no reasoning on earth that can condone his actions. You yourself are a scumbag as well.
I am encouraged by most of the comments here tonight. Most share my outrage at the actions of Mixon, and realize that Wendy and her cult of Uhuru are causing far more harm than good to the Oakland Black Community.
The police are not your enemy. They are middle class people and union members. Men and women doing their job as best they can to PROTECT the Black Community.
I say don't resist. ENGAGE. Build briges. Peace and Solidarity. Wave and smile at the next cop you see.
Don't stand for crime or stand up for criminals.
How can any serious dialog be engaged when you are so detached from reality? The logical fallacies you display in your rhetoric or so apparent that it's hard to take you seriously, unless you're purposely trying to be a crank. You're doing a whole bunch of damage to the community that you are supposedly trying to support, but you cannot see that, the desire to be part of some Quiotic cause, any cause, is just too strong.
This man was not African! It would be a disgrace if he was. Stop saying Mixon was African American when he was from Oakland. It's so disgusting that people are saying I'm African American and aren't from Africa. Why don't you just say you want to be African and Go There! At least in Africa, the people there do these acts for survival or hunting, not just to plain Kill somebody. Mixon was a disgrace to the Black Community in Oakland and the whole Human Race.
you are an idiot you racist swine. way to bring a race card into a senseless and evil situation that should be based on what happened not the color of anyone's skin. i seriously hope you rot in hell with him. sounds like you'll delete this comment as well as the list i see on your page bc you keep only the ones favorable to you BECAUSE YOU ARE A COWARD. if you can't take the heat- then keep your ignorant, IGNORANT mouth shut.
Good evening fellow citizens,
Thanks to you all for taking the time to comment, and to Wendy for providing the forum.
I'm Dave, a long time volunteer with the Uhuru Movement. I'm white.
There is a continuous historical record of police brutality in the black community. It is not hidden, and among thinking people it is not disputed. You can choose your own date as to when this historical period began, but it is always consistent.
This is true also for police murdering black people. The record is clear, public and ongoing.
What suggestions do you fellow bloggers have to resolve this historical, profound and deadly problem?
Dave from UHURU
Good afternoon fellow bloggers, citizens and frequenters of Oakland, California,
Thanks to Toussaint for the thoughtful response and, again, thanks to Wendy for providing the communication forum.
We did not choose Lovelle Mixon for a "poster boy". The notoriously viscious and corrupt OPD chose Lovelle Mixon for a so-called routine traffic stop.
There may or not be a dispute among thinking people as to the "victimhood" of Lovelle Mixon but there is definitely a significant consensus among thinking people that Lovelle Mixon was a product of the current economic/political system, as we all are.
We do not need to admit we made a "serious tactical error", because we did not. In fact, in my life time, there has been little or no support from the white community to address police brutality/murder in the African communities across this nation. The Uhuru Movement has a 30+ year documented history of addressing this issue.
This issue and the overall crisis of capitalism and Imperialism is necessarily polarizing our fellow citizens. Yes, there are folks who would try and undermine our fundraising activities. This is a choice they make to maintain the status quo relationship we whites have to the African community. This is logical and has happened before. We are interested in those fellow whites who can take the time and energy to understand the historical need for real economic development in the African community and Reparations to the African community.
We insulted no one because fundamentally this dispute is political not personal. Regardless of the consciousness of Mr.Mixon or the police officers, they were part of a historical political struggle that began when our political and/or biological ancestors stole the African workers and their labor. We, the white community, then needed to organize a "PD"
to recapture those Africans who managed to escape our "containment".
Here are a few books that I recommend for backround material.
Dave from UHURU
Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon
Overturning the Culture of Violence by Penny Hess
Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery by Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank
Good evening Toussaint and fellow bloggers,
As I said in a previous post, we are a political organization and I assure you, we are not overwhelmed in any sense of the word.
Whether our 30yr history is "dubious" of course depends on your point of view and your political line. We're here to stay!
Yes, there was an avalanche of negative, filthy, insulting, childish, immature, rude, viscious and crude remarks on this blog. I did not read SFGate.
Amidst those remarks it was difficult for me to discern what real political issues were being raised and how serious the bloggers were. Therefore
it was difficult to maintain any respect in regards to those posts.
I have assumed the responsibility to struggle around these issues with my fellow white folks, so this is my last reply to you.
It is appropriate that you and other concerned African-americans discuss this issue directly with the African members of InPDUM and the staffers out at the Uhuru House.
I have appreciated our communication and wish you the best in the future.
Respectfully, Dave from UHURU
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